How to Create Content That Addresses Your Ideal Customer’s Biggest Pain Points

How to Create Content That Addresses Your Ideal Customer's Biggest Pain PointsDo you want to motivate your ideal customer to do business with you? Then you’ll need to create content that addresses their biggest pain points. Here’s how.

In Robert Cialdini’s book Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion, he tells the story of researchers who conducted a study where they sent two different ads to homeowners in the same neighborhood. 

One ad said, “if you insulate your home fully, you’ll save 50 cents every day.” 

The other said, “if you don’t insulate your home fully, you’ll lose 50 cents every day.”

When all was said and done, the “loss language” people were 150% more likely to insulate their house than the other group.

Note: the savings didn’t change. The only difference was that when the researchers tried to persuade via pain (the loss of money) vs. pleasure (the gain of money), they were much more successful.

More often than not, people are motivated by fear of loss. We’re wired to avoid pain even more than to gain pleasure, with few exceptions. 

If you want to attract and convert your ideal customers, you’ll need to create content that addresses their biggest pain points, and more often than not, solves them. If people aren’t experiencing pain–physical, emotional, or spiritual–chances are they won’t be motivated to switch providers or choose your services.  Keep reading!