7 Steps to YouTube Marketing Success…Guaranteed

How to Maximize Your YouTube Marketing ResultsHow to Maximize Your YouTube Marketing ResultsVideo can engage your audience like no other online medium. By posting your video to YouTube, leveraging its suite of powerful marketing tools, and accessing its global audience, you’ve created a weapon of mass attraction.

However, you need to get a few things right to maximize your results. If you’re interested in learning how to win at YouTube marketing, read on.

A few years ago when I was preparing for my first YouTube presentation, I looked at the traffic YouTube was sending our way. What I discovered Blew. Me. Away.  Keep reading!

13 Ways SlideShare Helps Build Your Business

SlideShare Marketing: 13 Ways SlideShare Helps Build Your BusinessSlideShare Marketing: How to reach and engage professionals, generate leads and build your business with SlideShare.

One of my favorite new content marketing discoveries is SlideShare, the underappreciated content sharing platform owned by LinkedIn.

It’s actually more of a re-discovery, as I’ve been using the platform for years. However, with some new lead generation tools, measureable ROI (return on investment) for users, and a surge of interest from marketers, I’ve been dedicating more time and resources towards SlideShare over the past couple of months.

If you’ve never heard of SlideShare, think “YouTube for PowerPoint.” However, even if you don’t generally get up in front of a crowd or put on webinars, SlideShare is a powerful platform for reaching more of your ideal customers.

In this article I’ll show you why you need to be using SlideShare, and how to get the most out of it.  Keep reading!

YouTube Marketing: Creating External Links to Your Website

How to Link to Your Website from Within a YouTube VideoHave you ever wanted to link to your website directly from within a YouTube video? Then this post is for you.

Dear Rich,

I’ve recently starting using YouTube as part of my online marketing campaigns. I know I can  ask viewers to visit my website as part of the narrative, or create a link to my website (or landing page) in the description, but is there anyway to create a link from within the video?

–YouTubing in Eustice

Dear YouTubing,

If I had gotten this email a few months ago I would have said yes, but you’ll need to jump through a bunch of hoops and create overlay ads for your videos, something that can add quite a bit of time to your video marketing.

If I had gotten this email a few weeks ago I would have said yes, but you’ll need to use some 3rd party software.

But, I got this email this week, and so I can answer YES!  Keep reading!

How to Add YouTube Videos to Your Business Proposals

How to Embed a Video In Your Business ProposalIf you want to create business proposals that get noticed and get you business, add video to your written proposal to engage your prospect. 

Chances are, even in a competitive RFP bid, none of your competitors are embedding video in their proposals…unless they also read this blog. 😉

Whether you’re just providing a talking head approach to the proposal, or including video and screen captures of how you plan on developing the project, this article will show you how to land more of your RFP business.

Why Use Video In Your Proposal?

Years ago, an entrepreneur here in Maine told me about how he lands international business for his lobster and seafood company. Keep reading!